Coherent - logical and consistent
Belabor - argue about something in excessive details
Acquisitive - excessively interested in acquiring money or material things
Emulate - surpass a person or achievement
Banal - lacking originality, being boring
Expration - the ending of the fixed period for which a contract is valid
Congeal - to thicken
Carping - difficult to please; critical
Substantiate - providing evidence to support
Temporize - avoid making a decision
Largesse - generosity
Tenable - able to defend against attack or objectio
Insatiable - impossible to satisfy
Reconnaissance - observing
Germane - relevant
Ramify - to spread
Intransigent - unwilling to change someone's views about something
Taciturn - quiet and serious
Belabor - argue about something in excessive details
Acquisitive - excessively interested in acquiring money or material things
Emulate - surpass a person or achievement
Banal - lacking originality, being boring
Expration - the ending of the fixed period for which a contract is valid
Congeal - to thicken
Carping - difficult to please; critical
Substantiate - providing evidence to support
Temporize - avoid making a decision
Largesse - generosity
Tenable - able to defend against attack or objectio
Insatiable - impossible to satisfy
Reconnaissance - observing
Germane - relevant
Ramify - to spread
Intransigent - unwilling to change someone's views about something
Taciturn - quiet and serious
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